Gone. It’s all gone.
Our entire house was destroyed.
We almost didn’t evacuate. My husband came home from a work trip in the last seat, on the last flight back into Panama City before the hurricane hit. He walked in the door and said we are leaving. I had pretty bad morning sickness and wasn’t as productive as I could have been about evacuating.
After the storm hit our neighbors called us. Their cell service was spotty but they were able to tell us our house was totaled. Three days after the storm we were able to access the main roads to drive in to see our home.
I walked aimlessly around the debris of our house, not knowing what to think or feel. My husband’s first reaction was to immediately start pulling things out of the house. Thank goodness he did, because he was able to save our wedding photos and some very sentimental things.
My doctor’s office was closed so I didn’t have any appointments for a month.
I had some stress related pregnancy issues right after the Hurricane hit but I am doing better now. My family and friends have been so supportive! We have received so many care packages and clothes. Both of my kids have a full closet of clothes now because of the donations from all of our wonderful friends.
I try to stay positive most of the time, but there are days that the reality of our situation hits me. I let myself have those down days too. It’s a roller coaster of emotions and we are taking it day by day. Rebuilding is a long process and I need to remind myself of that every so often.
Overall, I feel blessed that my family is safe and really that is all that matters.